
Meet the Family

The Jilb, married to Reinman and a mother of four, loves to read, bake, and drink coffee. She is constantly searching for that ever elusive prize — a moment of silence in each day.

Reinman loves God, his wife and kids, Wiffle ball, Star Wars, reading, writing, and Coke (in approximately that order).  He is currently working as a college writing instructor.

Our oldest child, the Princess, is a sensitive, caring four-year-old who loves watching the Toy Story movies, reading books, and playing with her Star Wars action figures. She also loves to dance and make up her own songs, which usually are about the consequences of not being her friend. (So, I guess don’t let that “sensitive, caring” thing completely fool you.)

Our boy twin, the Bear, is a hulking, rambunctious two-year-old who loves to play and get into trouble. He also loves to trail and copy the Princess. But above all, this bear’s favorite thing to do is eat treats and drink juice sippies.

Our girl twin, the Joker, is funny, full of life, and just a wee bit crazy. This two-year-old brings her stuffed pink lamb with her everywhere and walks around exactly like the Joker does after he blows up the hospital in The Dark Knight.  (Hence, her nickname. And yes, we know that’s a picture of Harley Quinn. It’s the closest we could get to “girl Joker.”)

Our youngest, the Baby, is so cute and lovable. Just one smile from her, and you wouldn’t think twice about giving up iced coffees (or any of your other favorite things) for the rest of your life. Needless to say, she’s the most formidable of the bunch.


  1. You certainly hit the nail on the head with each description! Nicely said……

  2. […] They told me I was fortunate to have had a child before the diagnosis because who knew what kind of irreparable damage the treatment might cause. Ha. […]

  3. Our five year old is also a huge Star Wars fan. That and dinosaurs. She plays with a combination of my old SW action figures, a dinosaur playset, and her Polly Pockets – it is a strangely awesome sight to behold. She too longs for a lightsaber, but would apparently settle for the force grip as I at times catch her clutching the air at me making a buzzing “force” noise (as she sees it).

  4. I really enjoy your blog so I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. More information at http://denlyn3.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/versatile-blogger-award/
    Happy blogging.

  5. I’m sharing my Liebster Award with you, check it out at http://denlyn3.wordpress.com/2012/04/06/liebster-blog-awards/

  6. Love your lighthearted posts and the simple but delicious recipes you share. I’ve nominated you for the 7 x 7 Link Award!

    7 x 7 Link Award

    • Aww, thanks, Karen! 🙂

  7. I nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award. Here are the details: http://realfoodrealdeals.com/2012/04/29/sunshine-award/. Thanks for the inspiration, and happy blogging!

  8. I just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award ~ enjoy!

    one lovely blog award

  9. Thank you for the “like” on my blog @ lizascooking.wordpress.com.
    I also enjoy reading your blog. Your recipes looks fantastic. I must try some out…interesting in the carrot, oatmeal cookies and the BBQ Beer Chicken. I’ll have to try them out.

    • Let me know how if you like them if you try any of those recipes out! 🙂

  10. I really enjoy your blog and your comments so I am sending the Very Inspiring Blog Award to you.
    The Rules of Acceptance:
    Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post
    Share 7 things about yourself
    Nominate 15 or so bloggers you admire
    Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know

  11. I saw you liked a post I just put up, so I wanted to come over and take a peek. I just love your blog and we seem to have some similarities! Thanks for sharing your recipes and stories!

    • Thanks for stopping over! 🙂

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